Small parts Ultrasound is used to scan the superficial organs of the body to identify any kind of abnormalities in those areas. In the Small parts Ultrasound course, Onelearning will be covering the thyroid, breast, and scrotum area. Small parts ultrasound helps in finding any kind of lump in the thyroids, scrotum, and breasts, enlargement of glands, cysts identification. Small parts ultrasound is also used to perform procedures such as needle biopsies, insertion of the catheter. Small parts Ultrasound requires learning the skills, techniques of the device, learn to read the images developed, Knowledge of small parts
anatomy, record, document and report the results to the doctors or patients, and also have a medical degree.
Want to improve your Ultrasound skills in small parts? Onelearning has introduced just the right course.
Onelearning offers the best course for small parts ultrasound where you will be taught to scan the superficial organs like thyroid, parathyroid, breasts, scrotum, and neck. A piece of detailed knowledge on the subject and skills will be taught to you by the expert doctors and senior instructors. This course will teach you the physical principles and artifacts of ultrasound, knobology, and image optimization, the basic difference between Mammogram & ultrasound in Breast imaging, scanning technique according to AIUM/ARDMS or global standard, practical proficiency in the assessment of thyroid and parathyroid gland, Breast,
and scrotum. The anatomy and normal sonographic appearances of the Thyroid & Parathyroid gland, other neck structures, breasts, and testes, and identify the pathologies and differential diagnosis. After learning these topics you will be able to demonstrate ultrasound, document, report, and record the accurate findings of the scan.
RDMS/AIUM standards training course available at Onelearning.
This course is for sonographers, doctors, neck, head breast, and general surgeons, and all those other medical professionals who are looking to enhance their skills in small parts ultrasound. If you wish to then you can even apply for individual small parts ultrasound courses such as 1) Neck, thyroid, and parathyroid glands, 2)Breasts 3)Scrotum. Small parts ultrasound course is as per RDMS/AIUM standards protocol, once you receive the certificate you will be able to provide care to your patients as per RDMS/AIUM standards.
Looking for quality training? Onelearning is here with innovative and quality training.
At Onelearning platform you will find various learning modes like blended learning, e-learning videos, case studies, and documentaries for learning. For evaluation, we offer game-based self-evaluation learning where you get to test the knowledge that you have learned during the course. Onelearning offers state of the art training facilities for all courses, we have ultrasound types of equipment ranging from basic to a high resolution like color Doppler, power doppler, pulse wave, and 3D/4D facilities. The instructor to student ratio is 1:4 ensuring one-to-one training and focus on practical skills acquisition. Join Onelearning
today to learn more and give better care to your patients.